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One in this anthology series of television versions of one-act plays.

The play begins during the Revolutionary War in 1776, where an English detachment has just captured Nathan Hale, a suspected American spy. He is brought to a greenhouse and interrogated about a paper containing British troop numbers, but he claims that he found the paper and is ignorant of its contents. He had hoped to flee from the Colonies and claims that he finds the idea of the Americans defeating the British to be laughable. The general, William Howe, orders that Hale be given some proper clothes, hoping to dispense with him regardless of whether or not he is a spy. General Howe leaves Hale in the guardianship of his provost marshall, Cunningham, while he goes to investigate a fire supposedly started by the rebels. Hale taunts Cunningham, who ties him up and strikes him until the general returns to upbraid him. General Howe is furious about the fire, although Hale claims to have had nothing to do with it. Hale is fed and has a conversation with the sergeant assigned to guard him, John Graham. He recounts killing an enemy soldier during the Battle of Long Island, and expresses his disgust at the war’s apparent senselessness. Graham tells Hale that news of his capture has spread, and that it is rumored that he was assigned to his mission by George Washington.

Hale is visited by a woman named Alice Adams, who brings him a pie. She claims she is his fiancée and that she was sent by Washington, but Hale does not seem to acknowledge these statements with any seriousness. He claims that he is now an “intelligent coward” who was caught attempting to desert the war, although Alice doesn’t believe him and insists on completing her mission. She relays that Washington has ordered Hale to tell the British that he is a spy sent to New York to gather information for him. Hale is reluctant to comply, as it would mean his execution, although Alice says that Hale’s death would catalyze Washington’s troops and give them a martyr to rally behind. Hale still refuses, noting that he still has much he wishes to do with his life. Alice talks about the people close to her she has lost during the war, including her boyfriend and brother. Alice quickly becomes frustrated and leaves Hale to his death, realizing that her mission has failed.

They debate about the merits of Hale becoming a martyr; Hale notes that he intends to live and that both sides in the war are without merit. He finds himself quite attracted to Alice, much to her discomfort. She leaves in a huff and Hale conceals a small gardening tool in his boot before the British soldiers return. General Howe announces that he has come to the conclusion that Hale is a spy and that he must be sentenced to death. Hale asks for a trial and General Howe concedes this to him, arranging for it to be carried out that evening. Cunningham presents the evidence against Hale, and Hale is given the opportunity to argue against the accusations against him. He merely states that he is a deserter and that he was unaware of the contents of the documents he had in his shoes. General Howe asks Hale to reveal Washington’s troop positions on a map in order to prove that he is not a spy and not interested in the outcome of the war. Commercials deleted.

(This program is incomplete and has audiovisual errors. It represents the best quality available at this time.)


  • DATE: January 14, 1992 6:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:22:45
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: 114529
  • GENRE: Drama
  • SERIES RUN: A&E - TV series, 1991-1993


  • Gladys Nederlander … Executive Producer
  • Stuart Goodman … Producer
  • Steven Robman … Director
  • Richard Vetere … Writer
  • Brian Keane … Music by
  • Lauren Bacall … Host
  • Kevin Anderson … Cast, Nathan Hale
  • Elisabeth Shue … Cast, Alice Adams
  • Paxton Whitehead … Cast, General Howe
  • Leo Burmester … Cast, Provost Marshall Cunningham
  • Adam LeFevre … Cast, Sgt. John Graham