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One in this series of children's programs.

This story presents a loosely-adapted modern-day version of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. The story continues as Con clings to the remnants of the raft, still calling out for Huck. They eventually find each other and swim for shore; meanwhile the police learn that Con and Huck are missing and start searching the river. The criminals manage to track down the girls in a stolen boat, forcing them to flee again. They take refuge in a cave and the robbers search for them within. They overhear the robbers discussing how they plan to hide their stolen jewelry in there, thus keeping it from the police. They also note that their plan involves Charlie inadvertently selling the fake tiara and being sent to prison for it, thus pinning the blame for their crime on him. Furthermore, they learn that many back in town believe that they are dead, and are combing the river searching for their bodies. Con accidentally falls into a pit and screams, alerting the robbers, although they decide not to investigate.

On their way out, the robbers encounter a policeman searching for Huck and Con along with Huck’s social worker, Sara. The robbers claim that they have already searched for the girls and found nothing, but Sara insists that they all keep looking. Soon a heavy storm breaks out and Huck and Con remain in the cave to wait it out. Con discovers a photograph of Huck celebrating her birthday with Sara, and is surprised to see her in a dress. Huck reminisces about her long-missing parents, and wishes that she had a real family. They emerge from the storm and find a small boat on the shore. Back in town, a funeral service is held for Huck and Con, and they sneak in to observe it. They reveal themselves when they see Skeezy and the criminals speaking with Charlie, much to the collective shock of everyone assembled. They reveal the criminal plot to Charlie and produce the real jewels they hid in the cave. The police promptly arrest the three of them. Huck reunites with Sara, but Huck runs off again before Sara can tell her about her next foster home placing.

At Sara’s behest, Con runs off to find Huck and prevent her from running away again. She finds her in the hold of a ship and tells her that Sara planned to adopt Huck as her own daughter. Huck emerges but seems unmoved by the news; she is afraid that she would “mess everything up” in such a situation, and that she doesn’t want to feel constrained anymore. Con convinces her to give Sara a chance, and Huck decides not to run away after all. Sara adopts her, and Huck ends up being quite happy with her new life. Commercials deleted.

(The second of two assets on this program, for “ABC Weekend Special: The Adventures of Con Sawyer and Hucklemary Finn, Part 1 of 2,” see B:10381).


  • DATE: 12:00 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:22:30
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: 116373
  • GENRE: Children's
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Children's
  • SERIES RUN: ABC - TV series, 1977-1997


  • Diane Silver … Co-Executive Producer, Writer
  • Doro Bachrach … Producer
  • Marcus Viscidi … Producer
  • Max Snow … Associate Producer
  • Jaci Judelson … Associate Producer
  • Joan Darling … Director
  • Ann Elder … Writer
  • Cynthia Chenault … Writer
  • Kyle Morris … Writer
  • Paul Chihara … Music by
  • Drew Barrymore … Cast, Con Sawyer
  • James Naughton … Cast, Captain Sawyer
  • M. Emmet Walsh … Cast, Rocco
  • Raymond Serra … Cast, Stubby
  • Alan North … Cast, Skeezer
  • Brandy Ward … Cast, Hucklemary "Huck" Finn
  • Terri Hanauer … Cast, Sara
  • Melissa Hart (See also: Melissa Joan Hart) … Cast, Cindy
  • Dennis Haskins … Cast, Officer
  • Hopi Morton … Cast, Lisa Ann
  • Ken Olfson … Cast, Reverend
  • Liz Porrazzo … Cast, Josie
  • James Rebhorn … Cast, Mr. Riley
  • Pat Richardson … Cast, Mrs. Riley
  • Kimber Shoop III … Cast, Bobby Thatcher
  • Ray Spruell … Cast, First Mate
  • David Wilson … Cast, Orphan Boy
  • Mark Twain