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One in this drama series about the adventures of Jim West and Artemus Gordon, two undercover government agents working in the old American West on secret assignments for President Ulysses S. Grant. In a shipyard, a dwarf and his gigantic assistant Voltaire skulk about armed with a pea shooter loaded with powerful explosive ammunition. They seek to assassinate Professor Nielsen, a prominent chemist. Meanwhile, Jim West disguises himself as Professor Nielsen to lure the assassin out. He goes to meet Nielsen and his secretary, Greta Lundquist; Nielsen poses as Jim’s butler. The dwarf sees through the ruse and shoots Nielsen, causing him to explode. Jim and Greta escape unharmed. Later, Jim and Greta stay at a hotel. When Jim exits to let her change, Voltaire emerges from the closet and gives her a note instructing her to lure Jim into a trap. She invites Jim to go out with her for a walk. Both the dwarf and Artemus watch them closely on their walk. Jim is suddenly attacked by a chimpanzee, then the dwarf attempts to shoot Jim from a passing carriage with a crossbow, but he survives this attempt on his life. Artemus picks him up and they leave. Artemus tells Jim that the carriage has been “specially-designed” with some modifications. They note that Professor Nielsen had invented a powerful explosive which he planned to sell to Washington. They realize that whoever killed him also knows the secret of the explosive and resolve to find him. Jim catches Greta leaving the hotel room. She tries to leave him but he bluffs that Nielsen told him the secret formula to the explosive, and that he could share it with her “friend.” She warns him that this endeavor may be more dangerous than he surmises, but he deflects her warning. Before they leave, they kiss. Greta takes Jim to an opulent mansion. He meets the dwarf, who introduces himself as Dr. Miguelito Loveless. In Loveless’s parlor, they discuss Jim’s offer; Loveless claims he invented the explosive and was upset at Nielsen’s decision to sell the formula to Washington. Jim claims he has Nielsen’s research papers and offers to sell them, either to Loveless or to a foreign government. Loveless is intrigued, but doubts Jim’s word and proposes a “test of loyalty.” Loveless reveals that a vast swath of land in California once belonged to his ancestors, and he wants the governor to cede the territory to him. He instructs Jim to deliver his demands to the governor personally. If he does not comply, Loveless will set off explosives he has planted throughout the city, killing thousands. Jim speaks to the governor and issues Loveless’s demands, but advises him to order his men to surround Loveless’s manor so that he cannot set the explosives to detonate. The governor fills out the order and Jim leaves, but is apprehended by Loveless’s men. He uses the special gadgetry installed in his carriage by Artemus to escape, but is quickly caught by Voltaire. Jim is taken before Loveless, who shows him his various inventions. He goes to set off his bombs. Jim tries to stop him but is ensnared by one of Loveless’s traps and held helpless in a cage as Loveless leaves. Later, Greta brings Jim dinner. He convinces her to help him break out of Loveless’s trap and she tells him the location of Loveless’s bomb: in the clock tower of the church by the governor’s mansion. He fights off Loveless’s guards and rides into town. He arrives at the church and defeats Voltaire before racing up to the clock tower. He and Loveless face each other in a standoff: if Jim shoots him, he will set off the explosives, and Loveless won’t budge. Jim uses Loveless’s cane to jam the detonation mechanism, but Loveless manages to remove it. With seconds remaining, Jim disarms the bombs, ruining Loveless’s plan. Loveless is taken to jail. The episode ends as Artemus meets up with Jim and Greta sitting down to dinner. Commercials deleted.


  • DATE: October 1, 1965 7:30 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:50:00
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: B:56635
  • GENRE: Drama, police/private detective; Drama, western
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Drama, police/private detective; Drama, western
  • SERIES RUN: CBS - TV series, 1965-1969


  • Fred Freiberger … Producer
  • Richard Landau … Associate Producer
  • Bernard Kowalski … Director
  • Michael Garrison … Created by
  • John Kneubuhl … Writer
  • Robert Drasnin … Music by
  • Robert Conrad … Cast, Jim West
  • Ross Martin … Cast, Artemus Gordon
  • Michael Dunn … Cast, Dr. Loveless
  • Leslie Parrish … Cast, Greta
  • Phoebe Dorin … Cast, Antionette
  • Richard Kiel … Cast, Voltaire
  • Harry Bartell … Cast, Professor Nielsen
  • William Mims … Cast, The Governor
  • Sigrid Valdis … Cast, Miss Piecemeal