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A segment of the pilot of this western series about the Lancer family and their cow ranch in California. Scott Lancer, a roguish young man from Boston, and Johnny Madrid Lancer, an outlaw in Mexico, are each contacted by messengers from their father Murdoch Lancer; neither of them knew Murdoch. In Johnny's case, he is freed from execution via a firing squad. They are offered a thousand dollars to come to his ranch in California and listen to a proposition. They accept and soon find themselves in the town of Morro Coyo. There they learn that they are half-brothers; Murdoch fathered children with two different women. They meet Teresa O'Brien, the daughter of their father's foreman. She explains that her father was killed when he and Murdoch walked into an ambush after chasing down a couple of men who stole a horse from the Lancer ranch. Scott and Johnny meet their father Murdoch, and tensions are high between the three of them. Murdoch explains that Scott's mother died soon after he was born, and Johnny's mother ran away with him when he was an infant. He further explains that a menacing gang run by a man named Day Pardee has been causing chaos on his ranch, burning his fields and stealing his cattle. The Pardee gang intends to run him off the land. Scott suggests going on the offensive and killing Pardee before he can cause any more mayhem. Murdoch offers his sons a partnership in the ranch if they are able to stop Pardee and his men. They agree, but the three of them must rush out to deal with another fire set by the Pardee gang. Johnny tracks down Pardee and his men; they are already familiar with each other and sit down to talk. Later, the gang sets another fire at the ranch, this time killing several workers as well. Murdoch orders his men to chase the gang up into the hills. Scott and Johnny argue; Scott wishes to attack the gang immediately while Johnny wants to exercise more caution, fearing a trap. Johnny tries to convince Murdoch that he is right; Murdoch deduces that Johnny has already met with Pardee. Johnny leaves and finds the Pardee gang, apparently intending to join them and betray his father. Meanwhile, Scott leads the ranch hands into the hills, where they are soon spotted by Pardee lying in ambush. However, Scott doubles back and returns to the ranch in order to trick Pardee. Murdoch prepares to fight the gang at the ranch. Johnny and Pardee are out scouting the ranch when Johnny attempts to betray and attack Pardee, but one of the gang members shoots Johnny several times before he can. Johnny races towards the ranch, the gang following close behind. A massive gunfight ensues, during which Pardee shoots Johnny again. Johnny manages to get a few shots off despite his injuries. Scott rushes in to help him and shoots Pardee, causing his men to flee. The two half-brothers have a moment of solidarity before Johnny collapses from his wounds; Scott carries him inside. Tape ends abruptly. Commercials deleted. (This program is incomplete due to missing media. It represents the best copy available to the Paley Center at this time).


  • DATE: September 24, 1968 7:30 PM
  • RUNNING TIME: 0:34:46
  • COLOR/B&W: Color
  • CATALOG ID: B:29845
  • GENRE: Drama, western
  • SUBJECT HEADING: Drama, western
  • SERIES RUN: CBS - TV series, 1968-1970


  • Sam Wanamaker … Director
  • Samuel A. Peeples … Created by, Writer
  • Dean Riesner … Writer
  • James Stacy … Cast, Johnny Madrid Lancer
  • Wayne Maunder … Cast, Scott Lancer
  • Elizabeth Baur … Cast, Teresa O'Brien
  • Andrew Duggan … Cast, Murdoch Lancer
  • Joe Don Baker … Cast, Day Pardee
  • Paul Fierro … Cast, Cipriano
  • Sean McClory … Cast, Coley McHugh
  • Anthony Caruso … Cast, Toledano
  • Robert Adler … Cast, Stage Driver
  • Gordon Jump … Cast, Pinkerton Agent
  • Gil Barreto … Cast
  • Lisa Jak … Cast
  • John Leuger … Cast
  • Ruben Moreno … Cast
  • Alberto Morin … Cast
  • Vernon Rich … Cast
  • Julian Rivero … Cast
  • Chuck Roberson … Cast
  • Stephen Roberts … Cast
  • Ref Sanchez … Cast
  • Alex Tinne … Cast
  • Stanley Waxman … Cast
  • Jack Williams … Cast
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