Who's Next? The New Era of Doctor Who
6:30 PM ET
A new era of the legendary BAFTA-winning series, Doctor Who, begins April 17 on BBC America. The iconic series, television's longest-running science fiction program, follows the adventures of the Doctor, the mysterious traveler who, with his human companions, journeys throughout all of time and space, facing a variety of foes and righting wrongs. This latest series from BAFTA-winning writer Steven Moffat sees Matt Smith's debut as the new, Eleventh incarnation of the famous Time Lord alongside a new travelling companion, the enigmatic Amy Pond (Karen Gillan). Together they explore sixteenth century Venice, France during the 1890s, and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space. The Paley Center is delighted to welcome Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and executive producer and lifelong Who-fan Steven Moffat for a screening of the premiere episode and to discuss the newly rebooted series.
In association with BBC America.
Karen Gillan, "Amy Pond"
Steven Moffat, Lead Writer/Executive Producer
Moderator: Clark Collis, Senior Writer, Entertainment Weekly
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