Digitally Remastered Classic Doctor Who Screenings: Death to the Daleks
1:00 PM ET
Travel with us through time and space as The Paley Center for Media and BBC Home Entertainment present this special series of classic Doctor Who screenings on the last Saturday of each month from June to September 2012. These screenings will feature the digitally remastered episodes in the best way: on the big screen, with big sound, and the Doctor Who community.
And we also have Doctor Who trivia with the chance to win DVDs and more from BBC Home Entertainment.
FREE for Paley Center Members
Included with general admission
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Death to the Daleks
(1974; 98 minutes)
A power failure in the TARDIS draws it off course, and the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) and Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) end up stranded on the bleak planet Exxilon. They soon meet members of an Earth expedition in a similar situation. The humans are searching for a rare mineral, but first they must find out what is draining their power and avoid what’s inside another grounded spaceship—one of the Doctor’s oldest enemies, the Daleks.
Our thanks to BBC Home Entertainment
for making this series of Doctor Who
screenings possible.
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The Paley Museum, 25 West 52 Street, NYC
Free for Paley Members I Included in General Admission