The Paley Center for Media: MINECON EARTH PARTY
12:00 PM ET
Noon to 3:00 pm
Join us for the biggest, most exciting Minecraft event of the year—The Paley Center for Media: MINECON EARTH PARTY—on Sept. 29 at Paley to watch the live stream with fellow ‘crafters on our giant screen, dress up in your favorite Minecraft inspired costume, play Minecraft, meet creators, and enjoy snacks and beverages!
The Paley Center: MINECON Earth Party is under a one-time only license from Mojang, and is not organized, managed or hosted by Mojang. Organizer of The Paley Center: MINECON Earth Party is operating this event on its own accord with no supervision or support by Mojang.
Click here for info about the Paley Gaming Xperience at the Paley Center in New York.
Become a Member: Join us online or contact Membership at 212.621.6780.
Events and participants are subject to change.
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