Show and Sell: Jerry Della Femina on TV’s Take on the Ad Game
6:30 PM ET
It is impossible to talk about television without talking about advertising—the medium was essentially invented to sell soap flakes—but how has the tube fared at depicting the elusive art of selling? Advertising legend Jerry Della Femina, one of the leading lights of the sixties “creative revolution” and a direct inspiration for the critically adored Madison Avenue chronicle Mad Men, will present and discuss a selection of clips from programs dramatizing the advertising game, from the broad hijinks of Bewitched to the more rarefied labors of the gang at Sterling Cooper. Shows about creative people in advertising supported by advertising made by creative people . . . we’re through the looking glass, people. Please take off your shoes.
Held in conjunction with Creative Week New York, May 9 to May 15.
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This event is part of the Robert M. Batscha University Seminar Series.
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