The Next Big Thing in Sports and the Second Screen
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Second-screen usage among sports fans has challenged media technology companies to find new ways to engage fans—both viewers at home and spectators in the stadium—on their mobile devices. On June 10th, Paley’s Next Big Thing in Sports and the Second Screen explored the latest innovations enhancing the fan experience. Featuring a conversation between MLB Advanced Media’s Bob Bowman and ESPN’s John Kosner, followed by a dynamic pitch session and interactive Q&A with startups in the field, the event brought together senior media and technology executives, investors, and entrepreneurs for an evening of cocktails and high-level conversation.
Executive Panel:
Bob Bowman, President and CEO, MLB Advanced Media
John Kosner, EVP, ESPN Digital and Print Media
Mary Pilon, Sports reporter, The New York Times (Moderator)
This event is open to Paley Media Council members, invited guests, and ticket holders. To find out if you're eligible to join the Media Council, contact Stephanie Kousoulas at 212-621-6732 or For information about upcoming Paley Media Council events, click here. To learn more about past Paley Media Council events, click here.
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Free for Paley Members I Included in General Admission