Running the Sahara
6:30 PM ET
Directed by James Moll, executive produced by Matt Damon, and making its New York premiere, "Running the Sahara" is the true story of three men who embark on a mind-boggling pursuit: running across all 4,300 miles of the Sahara Desert. They average 50 miles per day for nearly four months without a single day off, facing down dehydration, dust storms, and blisters the size of baseballs. The journey takes a physical and emotional toll on the team and although the oppressive conditions inspire moments of doubt, each man remains determined to make it to the end on foot. Runner Ray Zahab will join the director after the screening to discuss his astonishing film and field questions about the transformative experience. Winner of the Audience Award at this year’s Los Angeles Film Festival.
Ray Zahab, Film Subject
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